Extract Data From Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons are interactive elements in documents and forms. Checkboxes allow users to select multiple options from a list independently, indicating a binary choice (checked or unchecked) for each item. Radio Buttons, on the other hand, permit users to select only one option from a list, ensuring exclusive selection among the available choices. Both elements serve to collect user input and facilitate decision-making in forms, surveys, and other interactive content. Base64.ai detects Checkboxes and Radio buttons from documents and understands if they are checked alongside associated text.

Graduation (Check one)


The benefits of automated
Checkboxes & Radio Buttons document processing

  • Minimize manual checkbox validation with quick processing time

  • Handle large volumes of checkboxes and radio buttons without jeopardizing consistency

  • Instantly associate text with corresponding checkboxes

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